Top Talent Pass Scheme & Quality Migrant Admission Scheme
Please click above for our Brief Note about the Talents Admission Schemes that explains the features of different schemes and points to note in applying for the visas.
Visa Applications
CompliancePlus understands the needs of our clients that some of their staff may come from overseas countries and require working visas in order to work in Hong Kong.
We help employees of our clients to get working visas and dependent visas for their families so that they can devote their full attention to the business.
Our experienced visa team provides value added services to you as follows:
- Manage your application and follow up with Immigration Department throughout the entire process
- Evaluate your specific circumstances and provide professional advice and tactics to expedite your application
- Prepare and organise documents to meet the specific requirements of the Immigration Department
- Present your case to Immigration Department to enhance chance of success
Documents required:
- Photocopy of your employer’s Business Registration Certificate;
- Photocopy of proof of financial standing of your employer (e.g. latest audited financial report, trading profit and loss account, or profit tax return)
- Documents with details of company background such as business activities, mode of operation, background/ connection of company, product ranges, sources and markets, membership of chamber of commerce (if any), etc. (supported with catalogues, brochures, etc.)
- Photocopy of proof of your academic qualifications and relevant working experience;
- Letter of consent from your present working unit or relevant Mainland authorities [for Mainland residents only]
- Photocopy of the your employment contract or letter of appointment with the applicant containing information about post, salaries, other fringe benefits and employment periods;
- A letter, with supporting proof from your employer, stating the reason why the post cannot be filled locally
- Detailed description of your position
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